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Welcoming your new kitten home!

  • Congratulations on reserving your adorable GRACE SIBERIAN  KITTEN!!

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  • Now that your kitten will be going home they will want to explore every inch of their new home. It is best to minimize the potential risks and dangers for your new kitten by setting up these safety guidelines.

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  • Please prepare a quiet room ready for the kitten that includes all of the necessary gear (food, water, litter box, bed, toys, climber, scratching post or cat tower that has attached scratching posts) and that has been kitten-proofed ahead of time. Your master bathroom or bedroom is a great option.

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  • Keep a watchful eye on your kitten to see if anything in the room needs to be adjusted or if anything needs to be removed from the room while the kitten is in there.  Kittens love to chew on wires, soft toys and small pillows to get to the stuffing inside, so these items should not be in the room with them.

  • Kittens will also eat paper, cardboard, soft toys, shoelaces, ties on hooded sweatshirts, ribbons, hair ties, fuzzies, and much more.  Please remove these items from the kitten’s room ahead of time.  Please also supervise cardboard box play and playtime with soft toys until the kitten gets older.

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  •   For the first while it best to hang out in the room with the kitten and, when the kitten is interested, cuddle and play with the kitten.  The more love and affection that the kitten receives from his new family, the more love and affection he will give back to his new family.


  • Siberian cats and kittens love to play hide and seek! So it best to always keep an eye on anything that has a door!  These little adventures will climb inside your refrigerator if they have a chance.  Always check your refrigerator for the kitten before you close the door.

  • They also  love to hide in closets, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, drawers, cubbies, bread boxes, and anything else that they can fit into.  Always check these places before closing them to make sure that the kitten has not snuck into them.

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  • Because Siberian kittens and cats have dog like attitudes they will run to meet you at the door when you arrive home or when you are going to visit them in their room.  It’s really a great feeling to see them waiting at the door for you!  But, be careful when opening the door so that you don’t hurt the kitten or accidentally let the kitten out of the house.​

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  • Siberian cats mature very slowly.  They take five years to fully mature.  This means that they are young at heart for many extra years. If you continue to play with them and involve them in your daily routines throughout their entire life you will develop an unbreakable bond.  These fur balls are happy to spend time with you and “help” you with whatever you are doing.  Bonding with your feline best friend will give you both many very happy years together!

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  • Once your kitten has adjusted to his new safety room and his new family, you can then allow him to explore the rest of the house. It’s a good idea to monitor your kitten around the house while he is exploring the first few times.  Once he is all warmed up to his new home he will most likely be running, climbing, jumping, and exploring at warp speed because he is so excited and happy to be in his furrr ever home!


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